The Ends of Our Index Fingers Are Mute
March 23rd - April 23rd, 2018, 7 days a week, 6pm-10pm
Opening reception Friday March 23rd, 6pm-10pm, featuring a performance by Daniela Antelo at 7pm.
With Daniela Antelo, Bradly Brown, Brenda Cruz-Wolf, Tony Day, Lina Dib, Trey Duvall, Erik Hagen
We are contained in what appears to be something disastrous. We’ve tried to come up with a cure or a means of escape. We are mesmerized. We can’t stop looking and pointing. This feels epic and somehow grandiose. Like the view from a mountaintop. But we aren’t on top of any mountain. We are in the gutters, looking at the stars as they say. Join us as we bemoan our pointing and celebrate the sublime natures of which we are part.
The Solar Studios are located at Rice University on College Way Loop and Alumni Dr. between Herring Hall and Hanzen College. Here is a Rice campus map link
Sponsored by Rice University’s Strategic Initiatives and the Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Human Sciences, and in part by a grant from the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance.
Special thanks to Colin Hendee, Taylor Knapps, Rob Purvis, Tish Stringer and
Las Girls Collective (Brenda Cruz-Wolf and Daniela Antelo)
After removing all the pieces, it will not be empty
Las Girls Collective presents a video performance installation projected on a delicate cotton screen. The 15-minute film loop, shot in the Solar Studios containers, addresses some of the multiple meanings of what a container is, starting from its most basic utilitarian use to more abstract ideas. The body itself is a container of organs, secrets and intimate thoughts. Throughout, the performer interacts with the container spaces as well as with props that also qualify as containers.
Bradly Brown
We see smoke in the distance.
We follow it to a box.
The box begins to smoke.
The smoke stops, begins again, then stops.
We cannot see inside the box, it is locked.
We try to peek through the cracks, it is dark.
The box begins to smoke again.
The box is trying to speak. It is quiet.
What hath God wrought
Lina Dib
The Flood
We find a peephole on one side of the smoldering box. We look inside, but we don't see fire or smoke. Instead we see water.
The water has nowhere to go.
It rises inside the box.
Tony Day
Future Creation
An ephemeral montage of loops and short scenes made with stop animation and hand drawn and painted paper puppets. These images convey human interaction with resources and the environment and focus on concepts of worry, hope, impact and bad behavior.
Trey Duvall
Well done, Ulysses
Well done, Ulysses is three-channel video installation documenting a performance by Trey Duvall. Highlighting the slip between gesture and intended meaning, this performance employs endless repetition of action and exhaustion via relentless affirmation. The signifier becomes disassociated from the signified.

Erik Hagen
Remembering America’s Coastal Cities: Galveston and Texas City
Remembering America’s Coastal Cities represents the maps that might be made in five hundred years, showing the higher sea levels of the future - as based on current, peer- reviewed science - superimposed on coastal cities of the 21st century. The installation includes giant blocks of ice that melt to reveal maps, contained in basins filled with meltwater.
Project WaterProof:
Design for America Brings Water Awareness to Campus at the Solar Studios
Over the spring of 2018, Design for America students, Greg Allison, Allison Yelvington, Sam Wittman, Alec Tobin, Natalie Pippolo, and Manlin Yao, have been working "to help the Rice community become more aware of their water consumption through an installation art piece at the Solar Studios"
They want to emphasize how our water footprint is greater than we often imagine.
They are currently testing and prototyping ideas.
Solar Studios Garden
January 21st, 2018
Our garden is underway! Led by Emily Foxman and Max Ronkos.